In a world where most things in daily life at least have a connection to technology, it is difficult to get away from it. It is undeniable that that when all of the systems and devices work, productivity can be increased, however, it seems that more and more, inadequate and “wrongly delivered” support of these systems actually causes many to think “what is the point?”
It is also true that in recent times that peoples home and personal experiences are actually rivalling that of their work and in some (and probably most) instances, becoming entirely better and less painful to use. To put it simply, the advancement of easy to use web applications along with the ability to log into almost anything you use from multiple locations can make “work” systems seem clunky and not built for the user.
Now, what is ideal for work and what is ideal for home is a much longer article than this one but what I would like to find out is what people see as the issues with their works systems and more specifically, the way they are supported.
• Do you feel that your IT supplier understands your business, goals and motivations?
• Do you feel that the support is delivered half heartedly?
• Do you think some simple changes could be made to make things infinitely better for you and your employees?
• Do you think that you relationship with your IT company should be one of client and supplier or more partnership based.
You possibly know that by reading this blog I am someone who works directly in this field. We provide support for SME companies in and around London and the UK. I wanted to make it clear that this is not simply a selling exercise. Yes, if I can find people to talk to then I will of course be interested in talking about the Virtual IT solution but my real goal here is to gather enough information from real people around this subject and use it to create a real view of where things are right now.
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